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agumented reality 1

What is augmented reality and its applications?

Augmented reality means combining two worlds; The real world and the virtual world. In augmented reality, digital information such as images, sounds, and videos are placed in the real world of a project and users can see and interact with this information using electronic devices such as mobile phones or smart glasses. In other words, augmented reality improves the display of digital information in the real world and provides users with an interactive experience.

Augmented reality is a digital layer of content that comes from mobile cameras, tablets, webcams, glasses, etc. . . It is placed on the image or the environment and in this way adds new information or things to the real environment. In some cases, this layer can interact with the user and receive commands from the real environment. Augmented reality is a direct or indirect (usually user-interactive) physical representation that adds elements about the real world of people. These are based on computer productions that are generated by receiving and processing user information by input sensors such as audio, video, graphic images, or GPS data. Computer reality is the general concept of augmented reality. In augmented reality, nothing is usually subtracted, but only added. Also, augmented reality is somewhat similar to virtual reality, which completely simulates the real world through a simulator. In fact, the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality is that in virtual reality, all the elements that the user sees are made by the computer. But in augmented reality, part of the information that the user perceives is in the real world and part of it is generated by the computer. In this case, augmented reality software is installed on the smartphone and adds augmented reality features to your phone. The images are presented by the smartphone camera as input to the augmented reality software and the images are processed and corresponding to them, which are digital information that can be images, sound, and. . . It can be used. In augmented reality, part of the information that the user perceives resides in the real world and part of it is generated by the computer. For example, you are reading a popular magazine, and inside one of the pages of this magazine, a small image and text related to the speech of the President of Iran at the United Nations are printed, and it can be seen by installing Arlive the augmented reality program and keeping the presence of your smartphone camera on the thumbnail, watch the video full of this news. In augmented reality, items are usually rendered in real time and intelligently linked to environmental elements, much like dozens of sports matches are shown on TV. With the help of advanced augmented reality technology (for example, adding computer vision and object recognition), information about the real world about the user can be presented to it both interactively and digitally. It is also possible to set information about the environment and surrounding objects in the real world. The basic idea of augmented reality was first proposed in 1990 by Thomas Caudill of Boeing.

Augmented reality applications

Among the applications of augmented reality in many different industries, the following can be mentioned:

Game industry: Augmented reality games provide new possibilities for gamers. Augmented reality games can use components of the real environment and place the player in the story environment.

Education: Augmented reality can be used for active and interactive education. With this technology, educational classes can be designed based on augmented reality.

Medicine: Augmented reality can also have applications in the field of medicine. For example, it can be used to better visualize doctors’ speech in complex surgeries.

Marketing: Augmented reality can also have applications in digital marketing. With this technology, they can design interactive and engaging ads that will attract visitors.

Construction industry: AR can also be used in the design and modeling of industrial buildings and structures. With this technique, it is possible to show from large construction projects down to their small details.

Design and Modeling: From interior design to architecture and construction, augmented reality technology helps designers visualize and see the end result of their work before construction. Architects and engineers using augmented reality headsets can walk through their buildings before construction and see all the details of their design so that they can implement the necessary modifications more easily. Urban engineers can even see a general cityscape using AR headsets. In general, any design and modeling work related to the construction of spatial forms can benefit from an augmented reality application.

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